Drop-in Centre

The VWHC hosts many different free programs or services related to all aspects of women’s health, including a community clinic, a naturopathic clinic, wellness counselling, and a wide range of workshops. 

Our drop-in centre offers sanctuary from the challenges of poverty and violence, providing safe havens for individuals who identify as women, non-binary, and gender non-conforming and are in need. Additionally, we supply essential provisions such as:


The VWHC hosts at least one educational monthly workshop, as well as ‘feel-good events’ such as Beauty Night, bra-fitting, and photo portraits – all donated by local community organisations and businesses.

Past educational workshops include: mindfulness, pelvic floor, skin care, introduction to energy, menstrual health

VWHC has developed workshops on Women’s Rights in the Healthcare system (aka Patients’ Rights) and body image that are available on demand to community groups or other organizations.


Computer & Internet Services

Our resource center provides essential technology services, including computers, internet access, printers, and a fax machine. Our knowledgeable volunteers offer assistance with internet searches, document editing, and printing, ensuring accessibility and support for all. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced user, we’re here to help you navigate the digital world with ease and confidence, fostering a community where everyone can thrive and succeed.

Primary Care & Wellness

The community clinic staffed with Nurse Practitioners is currently on hold due to COVID-19. Please be advised we are not a testing site and cannot provide some previously offered medical services at this time. If you are a patient of one of the nurse practitioners and wish to contact them, please reach out to BC Women’s Hospital.

VWHC is thrilled to have brought on students of Naturopathic Medicine from the Boucher Institute to offer Naturopathy services in the meantime. Ease the mind and body with acupuncture, dietary suggestions, and more with these skilled and friendly practitioners!

Are also offered for free throughout the week:

  • Acupuncture

  • Counselling

  • Yoga

  • Women’s Circle


We at the Vancouver Women’s Health Collective are a non-profit organization helping all who self-identify as women, non-binary, and gender non-conforming foster health, wellness, and equity through feminist approaches to advocacy, shared knowledge, and low-barrier programs and services.

Contact Information

Website by: NatPheBas GE                  © 2024. Copyrights Womens Health Collective, Canada. Charity Registration Number: 11928 2382 RR 0001